Here is the nanar00 player profile on MadWin and his Gifts won or the Gifts he played for: une Tablette Blackview Wifi 6 10,1 Pouces - Lottery

Discover Brikz Attack
Brikz Attack
The Brikz, Goowiz's sworn enemies, are back in this arcade game where you have to be skillful!
Have a Look
Scratch Ticket Nirvana
Number of remaining tickets :1500 / 1500
Win GBP 1 300
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Discover Zombie Academy
loot game Zombie Academy
Win a PC Hp 15.6" Fhd Silver
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Discover Battle
Battle Booty Game
Win 500 Points
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Discover Tasty Junkfood
Tasty Junkfood
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Profile of nanar00
 963  630  133  20,52%  Member This corresponds to the Status of the Profile consulted on the Forum: Member (your messages must be validated by the administrator to be visible), Top Posteur (your messages are automatically validated), Moderator and finally Administrator.  New Player This corresponds to the rank the Profile consulted on the Forum : New Player : less than 5 written messages - Amateur : between 6 and 15 - Confirmed : between 16 and 30 - Expert : between 31 and 50 - Vizier : between 51 and 75 - Grand Vizir : between 76 and 150 - Calife : between 151 and 200 - Grand Calife : more than 200 written messages
1 - Scratch Games : You've earned Points by playing Scratch Game (Ticket Le Ying & Le Yang #3373018404717941) 20 MadPoints
1 - Scratch Games : nanar00 used free rounds Scratch Game to Play Scratch Game : 1 Free Rounds (Ticket Le Ying & Le Yang Ticket #3373018404717941)
1 - Scratch Games : You've earned Points by playing Scratch Game (Ticket Le Ying & Le Yang #204729323632287) 10 MadPoints
1 - Défi Le Trésor de Old Jack N°2433461 (Ranking : High Score, Rank : 2, Score : 4919) : 3 Clics Grilles
1 - Scratch Games : nanar00 used free rounds Scratch Game to Play Scratch Game : 1 Free Rounds (Ticket Le Ying & Le Yang Ticket #204729323632287)
1 - nanar00 played the Free Game: La Réussite du Pr Cartenstein (Round #332740713)
1 - nanar00 played the Free Game: Yam (Round #332740712)
1 - nanar00 won the Free Game: Yam (Round #332740711) 29 MadPoints
1 - Catch a Prize: nanar00 has won Points 10 MadPoints
1 - Catch a Prize: nanar00 has opened a box using Free Rounds: 1
1 - Contest : nanar00 has won by opening a Contest Grid Box:
1 - Contest : nanar00 has opened a Case on a Grid Contest (Automatic Click): Challenge N°250327 : Box #101124919 of Grid N°1 (CGD:43218013)
1 - Contest : nanar00 has won by opening a Contest Grid Box:
1 - Contest : nanar00 has opened a Case on a Grid Contest (Automatic Click): Challenge N°250327 : Box #101124975 of Grid N°1 (CGD:43218012)
1 - Contest : nanar00 has won by opening a Contest Grid Box: Doubling your earning on Challenges ; 10 MadPoints
1 - Contest : nanar00 has won by opening a Contest Grid Box: 10 MadPoints
1 - Contest : nanar00 has opened a Case on a Grid Contest (Automatic Click): Challenge N°250327 : Box #101124871 of Grid N°1 (CGD:43218011)
1 - Contest : nanar00 has won by opening a Contest Grid Box:
1 - Contest : nanar00 has opened a Case on a Grid Contest (Automatic Click): Challenge N°250327 : Box #101124980 of Grid N°1 (CGD:43218010)
1 - Contest : nanar00 has won by opening a Contest Grid Box:
1 - Contest : nanar00 has opened a Case on a Grid Contest (Automatic Click): Challenge N°250327 : Box #101124967 of Grid N°1 (CGD:43218009)
1 - Contest : nanar00 has won by opening a Contest Grid Box:
1 - Contest : nanar00 has opened a Case on a Grid Contest (Automatic Click): Challenge N°250327 : Box #101124983 of Grid N°1 (CGD:43218008)
1 - Contest : nanar00 has won by opening a Contest Grid Box:
1 - Contest : nanar00 has opened a Case on a Grid Contest (Automatic Click): Challenge N°250327 : Box #101124920 of Grid N°1 (CGD:43218007)
1 - Contest : nanar00 has won by opening a Contest Grid Box:
1 - Contest : nanar00 has opened a Case on a Grid Contest (Automatic Click): Challenge N°250327 : Box #101124889 of Grid N°1 (CGD:43218006)
1 - Contest : nanar00 has won by opening a Contest Grid Box:
1 - Contest : nanar00 has opened a Case on a Grid Contest (Automatic Click): Challenge N°250327 : Box #101124971 of Grid N°1 (CGD:43218005)
1 - Contest : nanar00 has won by opening a Contest Grid Box:
1 - Contest : nanar00 has opened a Case on a Grid Contest (Automatic Click): Challenge N°250327 : Box #101124922 of Grid N°1 (CGD:43218004)
1 - Contest : nanar00 has won by opening a Contest Grid Box: Doubling your earning on Challenges ; 10 MadPoints
1 - Contest : nanar00 has won by opening a Contest Grid Box: 10 MadPoints
1 - Contest : nanar00 has opened a Case on a Grid Contest (Automatic Click): Challenge N°250327 : Box #101124898 of Grid N°1 (CGD:43218003)
1 - Contest : nanar00 has won by opening a Contest Grid Box:
1 - Contest : nanar00 has opened a Case on a Grid Contest (Automatic Click): Challenge N°250327 : Box #101124939 of Grid N°1 (CGD:43218002)
1 - Contest : nanar00 has won by opening a Contest Grid Box:
1 - Contest : nanar00 has opened a Case on a Grid Contest (Automatic Click): Challenge N°250327 : Box #101124874 of Grid N°1 (CGD:43218001)
1 - Contest : nanar00 has won by opening a Contest Grid Box: Doubling your earning on Challenges ; 10 MadPoints
1 - Contest : nanar00 has won by opening a Contest Grid Box: 10 MadPoints
1 - Contest : nanar00 has opened a Case on a Grid Contest (Automatic Click): Challenge N°250327 : Box #101124891 of Grid N°1 (CGD:43218000)
1 - Contest : nanar00 has won by opening a Contest Grid Box:
1 - Contest : nanar00 has opened a Case on a Grid Contest (Automatic Click): Challenge N°250327 : Box #101124988 of Grid N°1 (CGD:43217999)
1 - Contest : nanar00 has won by opening a Contest Grid Box:
1 - Contest : nanar00 has opened a Case on a Grid Contest (Automatic Click): Challenge N°250327 : Box #101124870 of Grid N°1 (CGD:43217998)
1 - Contest : nanar00 has won by opening a Contest Grid Box:
1 - Contest : nanar00 has opened a Case on a Grid Contest (Automatic Click): Challenge N°250327 : Box #101124914 of Grid N°1 (CGD:43217997)
1 - Contest : nanar00 has won by opening a Contest Grid Box:
1 - Contest : nanar00 has opened a Case on a Grid Contest (Automatic Click): Challenge N°250327 : Box #101124882 of Grid N°1 (CGD:43217996)
1 - Contest : nanar00 has won by opening a Contest Grid Box:
1 - Contest : nanar00 has opened a Case on a Grid Contest (Automatic Click): Challenge N°250327 : Box #101124911 of Grid N°1 (CGD:43217995)
1 - Contest : nanar00 has won by opening a Contest Grid Box:
1 - Contest : nanar00 has opened a Case on a Grid Contest (Automatic Click): Challenge N°250327 : Box #101124899 of Grid N°1 (CGD:43217994)
1 - Zombie Academy : nanar00 has completed your Who'Z Who and nanar00 earn Points: (Who'Z Who #48757) 20000 MadPoints
1 - Contest : nanar00 has won by opening a Contest Grid Box:
1 - Contest : nanar00 has opened a Case on a Grid Contest (Automatic Click): Challenge N°250327 : Box #101124985 of Grid N°1 (CGD:43217993)
1 - Contest : nanar00 has won by opening a Contest Grid Box:
1 - Contest : nanar00 has opened a Case on a Grid Contest (Automatic Click): Challenge N°250327 : Box #101124908 of Grid N°1 (CGD:43217992)
1 - Contest : nanar00 has won by opening a Contest Grid Box:
1 - Contest : nanar00 has opened a Case on a Grid Contest (Automatic Click): Challenge N°250327 : Box #101124964 of Grid N°1 (CGD:43217991)
1 - Contest : nanar00 has won by opening a Contest Grid Box:
1 - Contest : nanar00 has opened a Case on a Grid Contest (Automatic Click): Challenge N°250327 : Box #101124869 of Grid N°1 (CGD:43217990)
1 - Contest : nanar00 has won by opening a Contest Grid Box:
1 - Contest : nanar00 has opened a Case on a Grid Contest (Automatic Click): Challenge N°250327 : Box #101124962 of Grid N°1 (CGD:43217989)
1 - Contest : nanar00 has won by opening a Contest Grid Box:
1 - Contest : nanar00 has opened a Case on a Grid Contest (Automatic Click): Challenge N°250327 : Box #101124943 of Grid N°1 (CGD:43217988)
1 - Contest : nanar00 has won by opening a Contest Grid Box:
1 - Contest : nanar00 has opened a Case on a Grid Contest (Automatic Click): Challenge N°250327 : Box #101124986 of Grid N°1 (CGD:43217987)
1 - Contest : nanar00 has won by opening a Contest Grid Box:
1 - Contest : nanar00 has opened a Case on a Grid Contest (Automatic Click): Challenge N°250327 : Box #101124987 of Grid N°1 (CGD:43217986)
1 - Contest : nanar00 has won by opening a Contest Grid Box:
1 - Contest : nanar00 has opened a Case on a Grid Contest (Automatic Click): Challenge N°250327 : Box #101124875 of Grid N°1 (CGD:43217985)
1 - Contest : nanar00 has won by opening a Contest Grid Box:
1 - Contest : nanar00 has opened a Case on a Grid Contest (Automatic Click): Challenge N°250327 : Box #101124868 of Grid N°1 (CGD:43217984)
1 - Zombie Academy : nanar00 has discovered Points: Campus #145389 (Free Mode) 15 MadPoints
1 - Zombie Academy : nanar00 has opened a Case on the Campus #145389 (Free Mode), -2 Free Rounds
1 - Zombie Academy : nanar00 has discovered Points: Campus #145389 (Free Mode) 25 MadPoints
1 - Zombie Academy : nanar00 has opened a Case on the Campus #145389 (Free Mode), -2 Free Rounds
1 - Zombie Academy : nanar00 has discovered a photo of the Who'Z Who Zombie Academy: Campus #145389 (Free Mode) (Zo'Crade) (Who'Z Who Collection #48757) 100 MadPoints
1 - Zombie Academy : nanar00 has opened a Case on the Campus #145389 (Free Mode), -2 Free Rounds
1 - Zombie Academy : nanar00 has discovered Points: Campus #145389 (Free Mode) 15 MadPoints
1 - Zombie Academy : nanar00 has opened a Case on the Campus #145389 (Free Mode), -2 Free Rounds
1 - Zombie Academy : nanar00 has discovered a Zomby Party Bonus: Campus #145389 (Free Mode)
1 - Zombie Academy : nanar00 has opened a Case on the Campus #145389 (Free Mode), -2 Free Rounds
1 - Zombie Academy : nanar00 has discovered Points: Campus #145389 (Free Mode) 15 MadPoints
1 - Zombie Academy : nanar00 has opened a Case on the Campus #145389 (Free Mode), -2 Free Rounds
1 - Zombie Academy : nanar00 has discovered Points: Campus #145389 (Free Mode) 50 MadPoints
1 - Zombie Academy : nanar00 has opened a Case on the Campus #145389 (Free Mode), -2 Free Rounds
1 - Défi Le Trésor de Old Jack N°2433787 (Ranking : High Score, Rank : 4, Score : 531) : 2 Clics Grilles
1 - Défi Le Trésor de Old Jack N°2433784 (Ranking : High Score, Rank : 3, Score : 628) : 1 Clics Grilles
1 - nanar00 played the Free Game: Yam (Round #332740711)
1 - nanar00 won the Free Game: Un Café, L'Addition (Round #332740710) 17 MadPoints
1 - Catch a Prize: nanar00 has won Points 10 MadPoints
1 - Catch a Prize: nanar00 has opened a box using Free Rounds: 1
1 - Catch a Prize: nanar00 has won Points 20 MadPoints
1 - Catch a Prize: nanar00 has opened a box using Free Rounds: 1
1 - Catch a Prize: nanar00 has won Points 10 MadPoints
1 - Catch a Prize: nanar00 has opened a box using Free Rounds: 1
1 - Catch a Prize: nanar00 has won Points 10 MadPoints
1 - Catch a Prize: nanar00 has opened a box using Free Rounds: 1

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