Challenge MadWin Players to earn Points or cash at MadWin Games

Scratch Ticket Nirvana
Number of remaining tickets :1472 / 1500
Win GBP 1 300
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Discover Brikz Attack
Brikz Attack
The Brikz, Goowiz's sworn enemies, are back in this arcade game where you have to be skillful!
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Discover the ancient texts
Ancient Texts
Go on an adventure with Julien Riddle for the quest for the longest word!
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Discover Tasty Junkfood
Tasty Junkfood
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Sirocco Scratch Ticket
Number of remaining tickets :2918 / 3000
Win GBP 875
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challenges Games
Stan The Hamster
Player in the lead: efgj
Win 10 Clicks
Score to defeat 2 680
Win 2 Clicks
Remaining seats : 2
Player in the lead: MADO38
Win 10 Clicks
Score to defeat 12 421
More than one seat!
Win 2 Clicks
Sea Pinball
Win 2 Clicks
Remaining seats : 3
Win 2 Clicks
Remaining seats : 3
Player in the lead: Grosmangeur
Win 10 Clicks
Score to defeat 89 831
Player in the lead: Grosmangeur
Win 10 Clicks
Score to defeat 323 311
Magalie Chipie
Player in the lead: Grosmangeur
Win 10 Clicks
Score to defeat 107 649
Player in the lead: Grosmangeur
Win 10 Clicks
Score to defeat 107 650
Win 2 Clicks
Remaining seats : 3
Player in the lead: colette459
Win 10 Clicks
Score to defeat 36 294
Pearl Cannon
Win 2 Clicks
Remaining seats : 3
Player in the lead: zigue13
Win 10 Clicks
Score to defeat 155 351
Win 2 Clicks
Remaining seats : 3
Win 2 Clicks
Remaining seats : 2

Hurry up! Hurry up!
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Choose a free game and challenge MadWin members to win Prizes and cashSilver

An Anonymous challenge has a set number of players and closes when all spots have been filled, and the Winnings are distributed to the winners after all players have played and according to the challenge Winnings, and you do not know your opponents' scores until after your Round is over.

A Public challenge has a set number of players and closes when all spots have been filled and the Winnings are distributed to the winners after all players have played and according to the challenge Winnings. You know at any time the score of your opponents.

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