I propose a voting system on suggestions.
When someone submits a suggestion, other players can vote to say whether or not they find it useful. If it reaches a certain number of positive votes (threshold to be determined by the madwin teamMadWin madwin MadWin put it into practice.
What do you think of it? And you, webmaster and the madwin teamMadWin you think?
Hello everyone!
I come back to this old forum topic but continue to contribute, it can help give ideas to the team :)
Even if I tell you right away that the transfer of Punti from site to site can never be done 🙁
Goodnight all ,
I put a 10/10 for the transfer of Punti from one site to another!
restitution of the Sweepstakes for each site! not only are internationalization imposed on us, but the gains are increasingly less... Who made the Dream? the first but the policy of the Dream is to charge, the fees the only ones who have joined.
Why? the Sweepstakes are not distinct from one site to another?
Good evening,
Pharaoh sucks; to shit... its tiny little gains, only insiders and under protectorate... Pull their pins out of the game...
for example, since the DREAM is international now, we would need more luck to win Sweepstakes Prizes So more showcases, more Prizes , more prestigious...etc
Power, transfer our Punti from one site to another
Have the choice to exchange Rounds of the month for Punti or Crediti
Like everyone else who read this interesting post, I'm re-raising it, and think it's a good idea, thank you.
Finally, a small corner where we could discuss, state, proposals for improvements.
It's been a long time since I wanted to post on a major axis: that of proposing.
For my part, the first thing: It''s to fix the Bugs . In my opinion, a temporary closure of the Dream sites, to eradicate these bad Bugs would be in order.
Now that all the DreamCentury sites have gone international, I wonder.
The Dream has inflated, for example, the number of possible boxes on the tables, whether free or paid.
For example. And examples I have in store. .
Very good idea
Ditto! Okay with this suggestion.