Player maexis30 posted a message on 22/10 00:16 on the MadWin Forum: the madpoint of Prizes are too expensive. Answer him on MadWin and exchange with other players

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Subject :  the madpoint of Prizes are too expensive
22/10/2016 00:16:20

Hello I found that the caddies are too expensive can lower the please merci🙂

23/12/2017 14:55:10

Hello I found that the caddies are too expensive can lower the prices please thank
you For example: A Tom Ford Sunglasses has 11 729 200 MadPoints

13/02/2017 01:38:41

it is true that Prizes are a little expensive but let's not forget that we can Play "free" and that's why we have the pleasure of Play them!

how many other games are "paying" and then, you are told that the Wires requests stop overnight you can simply Play "to please" but here, you have points that you can Confirm!
Thank you for continuing this game, it distracts me and then I can order "jewellery" for my granddaughter who is always happy!
thank you again, continue like
this and hello to everyone including the Management Staff!

13/02/2017 01:38:40

it is true that Prizes are a little expensive but let's not forget that we can Play "free" and that's why we have the pleasure of Play them!

how many other games are "paying" and then, you are told that the Wires requests stop overnight you can simply Play "to please" but here, you have points that you can Confirm!
Thank you for continuing this game, it distracts me and then I can order "jewellery" for my granddaughter who is always happy!
thank you again, continue like
this and hello to everyone including the Management Staff!

03/02/2017 10:53:05

I approve it.

22/11/2016 17:02:04

🎤 That's why they're called our dearest Prizes LOL[/quote 😀 you had
to think about it

26/10/2016 11:41:02

aah lol

25/10/2016 00:37:31

🎤 That's why they are called our dearest Prizes LOL

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