Player muhlder posted a message on 16/05 20:09 on the MadWin Forum: Prizes not validated. Answer him on MadWin and exchange with other players

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Subject :  Prizes not validated
16/05/2013 20:09:57

on May 13 I exchanged my points for a prize but today, May 16, it is still waiting for validation.
I wonder if it is normal ,I read that Prizes are sent in 1 week.
please ask me for more information

22/05/2013 20:27:11

Thank you dado for your answer. my prize has been validated ,all we have to do is wait for it to be sent.

19/05/2013 13:36:04

with the holidays I think everything is a little late. I won a prize on May 6 and it was validated on the 14th. (and still not sent.) So I don't think we should worry. You can always contact customer service within a few days if nothing changes. 😉

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