Player ptitemomys posted a message on 02/03 11:48 on the MadWin Forum: MadWin ???????????. Answer him on MadWin and exchange with other players - Page 2
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🙋bonjour ptitemomys and welcome to madwinMadWin no you don't have to register on cadevillage and quoverbis QuoVerbis Have a good day and good ones jeux🍸
Hi 😉 I too have MadLotto been on madloto for three days, nevertheless I looked at the first pages a little bit, especially the other cadillac sites CadoVillage I don't think it's feasible to have an account all sites. On the other hand, to collect Prizes through your MadLotto points, you will have to go through cadovilage or one of its similar, through a converter if I have understood correctly who will transfer them to you from here to the other site. Now, I can't guarantee anything maybe I'm wrong all along.... I hope that I have been useful and that I have answered your questions, I wish you good luck, Martin. 🌹😎