Player groseille3333 posted a message on 27/10 17:17 on the MadWin Forum: mega-challenge calculation. Answer him on MadWin and exchange with other players

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Subject :  mega-challenge calculation
27/10/2012 17:17:12

the messages of several players on the wall on this subject having remained unanswered, I try my luck here

according to the rules, the mega Mega-Contest only counts the medals obtained on the free rounds.

Zodiaque and Stadium also count despite the fact that they are only accessible to credit buyers, which no longer really makes them free rounds games, free rounds seems

that players can get extra medals by playing on CAL with booster rounds gamesbooster rounds booster rounds games do not count for the game challenges. would

it be possible to have a clarification on all this happy bazaar? thanks in advance

07/11/2012 10:22:41

if I can understand that players puttingSilver on the site have some advantages, it would also have been nice if the mega-challenge had left the same chance to all players
or at least the site didn't suggest that all players have the same chances to win at the mc [ at least, once we know it, we no longer bother Play Rounds on uninteresting games that don't pay anything]

06/11/2012 05:03:42

🤨 webmaster: so if I understood correctly, the games you're talking about
count for the mega Mega-Contest the players who only have their 15
Rounds to play have a lower chance of winning than those who play these

05/11/2012 17:57:58


As mentioned above, we did answer on the wall : there are medals to be won on Catch A Prize / Fish A Prize / Arabesque . So you don't necessarily get the total medals just by watching Flash Games.

Good games!
The Web'

31/10/2012 21:57:27

🙁hello, still no answer from the webmaster on the wall and here is the problem
that there was the first day of last week's Mega-Contest,
some players checked the first one's points at different times, between
12:30 and 06:00 in the morning, the player had 9800 medals and had not played after midnight
because those who played had their ranking changed,I calculated his points on the games
he had played by clicking below the games (click here to see the Previous ranking), so
I calculate the places (71st equals 500 medals), he had 8000 medals out of 14 games, I didn't find the 15th, but I find that making 1800 medals out of one game, it's impossible considering the distribution
of medals that does not have 1800 in his accounts.

29/10/2012 13:38:57

CAL, it's Catch A Prize, it was said on the wall by the webmaster that players have got additional medals on this game, and indeed with booster rounds, which doesn't make any sense at all!

27/10/2012 19:11:53

What do you mean by CAL? booster rounds do not count in the challenges. I'm almost certain of that!

27/10/2012 18:16:35


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