Player lawa18 posted a message on 20/09 10:58 on the MadWin Forum: games that makes us win a lot of point. Answer him on MadWin and exchange with other players

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Subject :  games that makes us win a lot of point
20/09/2012 10:58:48

hello to all of you to know what and the games or games that make you earn a max of points please thank you in advance

17/05/2013 15:42:00


who can tell me at what level you have to Play on Stadium to get 212 points?

Thank you. Thank you.

20/03/2013 12:44:51


for me who starts I mainly play scratch game games .... and ... it depends on the day !!
but it takes a lot of patience to accumulate as many 游戏点 to have a prize !!
good day

15/01/2013 00:14:01

Thank you for that answer, Kamoulox. I defeated the carré du fou, I'm struggling on boul hippo and it's a shame that there are only 150 on QuoVerbis.

14/01/2013 19:57:10

I don't think you can get more than 150 pts for a game on QuoVerbis but I can be wrong.

13/01/2013 16:10:44

What about QuoVerbis? Apart from Parimots and Mot à mot, which offer 150 points maximum, is there a game that gives more?

24/12/2012 19:27:47

There are 2 games that earn a lot of 游戏积分 if you master them well: Bool hippo (I play for example at level 16 which is not too hard yet and I have around 260 pts) and Carré du Fou (I play at level 22 and I have about 300 pts). Do not try too difficult levels but at least I would say from the 15th level to have a lot of 游戏积分 without too much difficulty. Here we are almost sure to have a lot of 游戏积分 with these 2 games while scratch game games are random!

03/10/2012 11:48:30

bubble war level 6 earns 188 points each time if you play 15 free rounds that makes 2820 points a day
personally it is the free game that pays the most.

29/09/2012 21:48:42

thank you in advance for your answers

25/09/2012 08:57:42


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