Player cricri04 posted a message on 20/03 23:26 on the MadWin Forum: Master of the temple. Answer him on MadWin and exchange with other players

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Subject :  Master of the temple
20/03/2011 23:26:49

It has been more than 11 days since a click was made in the fire cube... which is not surprising given the rules of the game!

Without changing this rule, in order to leave the cube attractive, I propose that the batches corresponding to the water element be only or almost only clicks in the cube (the grid that contained 12 clicks was much better, and 15 clicks / 15 batches water would not bother me at all). We could even imagine a "air" prize corresponding to 3 clicks in the cube!!!!!

The grid already offers a multitude of potential Prizes and I think that these "water" Prizes would not be a waste. The cube is set up in such a way that an Mode gain is 150 euros, so for those who would like to have a prize rather than a click, I would tend to say that they can drop out once the check has been received!!!

In short, I make this suggestion because I thought I would face many challenges on this game, which is not too much the case, and in addition one of the 3 levels of the game is becoming totally obsolete while its How it Works very nice!

What do you think?

22/03/2011 03:34:20

And why not remove the damn wheel????

I played a lot of over 600 Turns and won 1 click, but no fortune or cash..... This game is reserved for the rich who can do 1000 Turns without worrying about the "little ones", we can see that this game appeals to Eliane who only thinks about her apple and to constantly turn this wheel *?^¨$£! 🙁n): 🙁n):

21/03/2011 13:24:46

Well, I rather have the impression that it plays less and less on the game compared to the launch... that's why I allowed myself the suggestion on clicks (which has the merit of not changing the rules of the game, but to exploit the game as well as possible, even if it is true that it is as greedy as cash cube !

I add 2 suggestions:

- For the exchange of credits for points. If I have 150 credits and I click to convert 200 credits, I would like it to convert the 150 credits (with a warning, at the limit) rather than telling me that I don't have enough credits...
- For the status of master, in the same way that a click in the temple always leads to a win and that even if you come across a bonus that is useless, like "the breath of the master", you still win 5000 points, I propose that a master, when he is dismissed and that the status has not made him win anything (which happened a number of times with all the conspiracy and dismissal bonuses), still wins a consolation prize (he could receive 10% on theElement Holder to dismiss him or then a sum of points)

21/03/2011 13:22:54

🙋 I'

m not sure this new game works as well as cashcube!

21/03/2011 13:00:14

Hi all,

I got caught up in the game, indeed some problems are to be noted like the almost inaccessible cube or the wheel Turns necessary to access the temple... or even these famous collections of the elementer....

But well, they camp on their positions and many players

21/03/2011 11:24:41

hello cricri04 🙋 I

agree with you in How it Works but the problem remains the same, it is still 75% inaccessible to win medium and big prizes.
1 - we spend a fortune turning the wheel, and in the end we have little chance of accessing the temple.
2 - if you access the temple, it is still very difficult to Confirm a nice element (other than DVDs)
3 - access to the cube: almost impossible because too few corresponding elements and also too few clicks for our budgets !!!!!!! I don't have 10 000 euros to spend to make 30 clicks.......

then, when we have the chance to make clicks in the temple, it's really sad to empty elements, even if they're not great prize!

I know that web has already told us, but frankly mad, what are you losing by giving us at least points in compensations for having EMPTY a elementer?

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