Player adeodat posted a message on 24/01 11:49 on the MadWin Forum: Bug. Answer him on MadWin and exchange with other players

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Subject :  Bug
24/01/2011 11:49:05

since this morning I have trouble making the games I have this error message system please contact the administrator

24/01/2011 17:43:47

Same for me. I have the impression that the site's server is no longer powerful enough for the number of players that amplifies every day

24/01/2011 16:41:03

hello me it's the same and for the validation of the showcase ti ctac ctac c is the same

24/01/2011 16:30:31


I've been having the same problem you've had for a few days.
Moreover, these connection errors "cost" me Rounds each time (4 more for this morning!!!!!). 😕

Is it general or are we a few isolated cases?

24/01/2011 15:59:55

today the same and no info received Bug probably!

24/01/2011 14:44:38

Yes, so do I!!!!!
I couldn't Play four games today!
And of course no Round will be returned.....
Too bad, isn't it!

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