Player lalili59 posted a message on 17/11 16:19 on the MadWin Forum: Prizes. Answer him on MadWin and exchange with other players - Page 2

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Subject :  Prizes
24/11/2010 21:02:53

πŸ™‹ Hello Lapink and Wolf!

We said no advertising on the forum! πŸ˜‚ Well,

if it's like on TV where you have to mention at least 3 brands, otherwise you get a fine, and because you don't leave me the choice, I'd rather say a powerful PIPER-HEIDSIECK!

That way we're in order... πŸ€ͺ But

I'm not against a cut of each... in moderation even if it's so good.

And as you say so well Lapink:
A little humour in this world of bullies... but there is also the dry and semi-dry 🀑 Tonight

, I raise my glass to you: to you, to your presence..... πŸ™y): Have a good

evening! 🌹🍸

24/11/2010 15:55:20


little clarification for archibal83, we don't grumble 😑😈😑, we express ourselves!!!!

The web' being at our disposal concerning our suggestions, we propose.

That's all. That's all.

And then, concerning champagne, for me, it will be Dom Pérignon 😎 🍸 🍸

tchin 2loup1 and archibal83 By the way,

perso, I'm an adult πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ A little humour in this

world of brutes 🀑

23/11/2010 22:40:32

For 2loup1 : at MadWin, they had thought about MoΓ«t & Chandon, but above all they thought about our health "alcohol abuse is dangerous"πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€ That said, they
would have to filter the Winners winners, not having the right in France to give it to minors, this explains that!πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚ More humbly
for gifts, I Prizes πŸ™qu'there is no longer a "loving hand", too bad, my fridge has several account will apparently stop. These magnets are cute, small but very strong, πŸ™y): powerful, more powerful than the little round things you buy in packages on the market.
If they could put them back...
And for excess DVDs, take them to a barter shop. In my country, they take them back at half the purchase price of a new one. So when I've seen and reviewed a DVD, Let's Go, I give 2 and I take 1, it's free in the end. 😈
Stop rÒler😑😠, the other game sites offer less well and in addition they ask for financial contributions. Congrats 🌹à Madwin MadWin their efforts and the site holds the road in the long term so they are not losers.
others should go to inspirer🌹 Good evening

πŸ™‹ I don'

t usually go to a barter shop as you seem to like it and I imagine very well that you also have to go to the garage sale to find your famous dvd at a lower cost πŸ˜€πŸ˜€ It's

clear for you, you don't need to complain because everything suggests that you spend your time playing for free here as on other sites you're referring to yourself (πŸ™n):πŸ™n):

Are you a mind reader to think that Mad had thought about MoΓ«t & Chandon?

You remind me of our dear former Minister of Health Roselyne B.......... πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜‚πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€ Go get a big

🍸, a 🍻 and to yours 😎 Have a good evening 🎀

23/11/2010 10:43:40

For 2loup1 : at MadWin, they had thought about MoΓ«t & Chandon, but above all they thought about our health "alcohol abuse is dangerous"πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€ That said, they
would have to filter the Winners adult winners, not having the right in France to give it to minors, this explains that!πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚ More humbly
for gifts, I Prizes noticed πŸ™qu'there is no longer a "loving hand", too bad, my fridge has several account the series will apparently stop. These magnets are cute, small but very strong, πŸ™y): powerful, more powerful than the little round things you buy in packages on the market.
If they could put them back...
And for excess DVDs, take them to a barter shop. In my country, they take them back at half the purchase price of a new one. So when I've seen and reviewed a DVD, Let's Go, I give 2 and I take 1, it's free in the end. 😈
Stop rÒler😑😠, the other game sites offer less well and in addition they ask for financial contributions. Congrats 🌹à Madwin MadWin their efforts and the site holds the road in the long term so they are not losers. The others should be in inspirer🌹

18/11/2010 17:49:12

πŸ™‹ As

the holidays come for me two cases of champagne moΓ«t & Chandon πŸ˜‚ Thank you web


18/11/2010 14:33:59

πŸ™‹ Strongly

agree with lalili and 2loup1 πŸ™y): Yes, for

gift changes, Prizes in shop windows or in games (cashcube, loot, Loots...tournaments why not internet tablets, iPod accessories, iPad, children's toys, ovens, landlines, vouchers in different shops of your choice (decathlon, supermarket, ikea...), digital camera, watches, perfumes.... πŸ˜‚ And,

as 2loup1 says, your dvd stock must be terrible. I hope it will soon run out πŸ˜€ and that you won't renew it ! πŸ€ͺπŸ˜€πŸ€ͺ Bye bye ! πŸ™‹

17/11/2010 21:48:12

Good evening lalili 🌹 as well as web 🍸 The

best gift prize already be in the immediate future to remove these MAUDITES CASES OF 20 AND 50 PTS from the labyrinth 😈😈 It's okay, I wanted

to make another attempt today and still an incredible number of 20, 50 pts!!!! For the 3 cash won, finally I should have kept them because to spend his time moving forward and backward a lot, it's good πŸ™n):πŸ™n): Ha si miracle fallen once on a prize Box and miracle: Another dvd πŸ€•πŸ€• Mad you

must have an amazing stock of dvd πŸ˜€πŸ˜€ Good end of the evening


17/11/2010 16:31:06

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