Player pop50 posted a message on 11/11 01:38 on the MadWin Forum: 75% increase. Answer him on MadWin and exchange with other players

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Subject :  75% increase
11/11/2010 01:38:47

πŸ™‹ Web, πŸ™‹ Madwinists, can anyone

tell me if the 75% increase in gift exchange Prizes
I exchanged a batch Catch A Prize DECT phone) and I did not feel that the value is changed during the exchange....

Thank you for your answers

06/01/2011 19:28:33

Good evening, gooseberry! Good evening Lapink!πŸ™‹ I will

continue as in 2010...

Have a good evening! 🌹🌹🌹

06/01/2011 17:16:49

πŸ™‹ Too

strong Raphi πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ 🍸🌹

06/01/2011 14:30:11

Thanks Webmaster and Raphie! we learn more about the forum than in the FAQs, and then, it's nicer

to have a good day all over mondeπŸ™‹

05/01/2011 19:52:11

What is this increase? I didn't find anything in
Rules and Regulations or the Prizes section on this subject... thanks to who will enlighten my lantern !πŸ™y): Good evening

Gooseberry ! πŸ™‹ I give you

an example: -I

won at the last raffleSweepstake mini children's notebook. I had bet 8,460 Pts.
-In the CadoVillage Prize Shop, you can get it for 62,100 Points.

-Either I decide to receive it and I saved a lot of points if I had to buy it.
-Either I exchange it. MadWin then offers me 32,292 Pts to accumulate on my Cash pot and not 62,100 Pts, the real value on the shop. Either the increase stated above.

This is the case for all Prizes won on the site. You can exchange them but at a lower value than the purchase price.DreamCard Silver minimum) Have a

good evening 🍸

Date of message edition 06/01/2011 19:26:42

05/01/2011 19:41:36

Hello πŸ™‹ it

is in fact the exchange of Prizes points, an advantage linked to DreamCardDreamCard DreamCard Diamond owners benefit from a preferential exchange rate, which is what claudie92 calls the increased rate!

The Web'.

Date of message edition 05/01/2011 19:42:16

05/01/2011 18:24:16

What is this increase? I didn't find anything in the Rules and Regulations or the Prizes section on this subject... thanks to who will enlighten my lantern!πŸ™y):

04/01/2011 18:25:48

hello my problem I no longer have access to my winning Prizes and I did not recover the points put on lots or I was not drawn at random thank you for an answer

Good evening Joss ! πŸ™‹ This is

the case for many players at the moment.

Concerning the Sweepstakes, this has happened several times in recent months and the problem was quickly solved. Regarding the Prizes won, the Customer Service has your complete account history and access to your account. It's only a display problem but you can Confirm them a request. They can reassure you. Your Prizes will be shipped quickly.

Have a good evening!

04/01/2011 14:30:09

hello my problem I no longer have access to my winning Prizes and I did not recover the points put on lots or I was not drawn at random thank you for an answer

11/11/2010 23:17:38

Good morning, everyone! πŸ™‹ πŸ™‹ πŸ™‹ this identified

problem will be fixed on Friday or at the end of the weekend ! sorry

and thank you for your patience ! πŸ˜‚ Have a good


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