Player berlison posted a message on 25/09 13:26 on the MadWin Forum: free round each game. Answer him on MadWin and exchange with other players

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Subject :  free round each game
25/09/2010 13:26:39

Would it ever be possible to have the opportunity to take all my points for one game? Let me explain: I like some games more than others. I would have the possibility to Play several Rounds on the same game. This is done on other gaming sites such as MadWin.
Thank you for your attention.

05/10/2010 19:51:54

Hello πŸ™‹ it

is not planned at the moment, but of course... we take note nevertheless! 😎 The


you! πŸ™y):

04/10/2010 17:24:07

Hello πŸ™‹ it

is not planned at the moment, but of course... we take note nevertheless! 😎 The


01/10/2010 09:59:24

Fully agree with the above-mentioned players. πŸ™y):

01/10/2010 06:23:57

I totally agree, let's mobilize!!
please, adapt the other sites in the same way as MadWin!
it would be even better!!!!😎 thank you

thank you

27/09/2010 22:10:10

Good evening πŸ™‹

Waiting maybe for a web answer to your question πŸ™y): Have a good evening


27/09/2010 21:09:49

πŸ™‹ Good evening!

That's a good idea. On CadoVillage as well as on QuoVerbis!
What does the Web think?

Good evening and good games to all!

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