Player jpchidiac posted a message on 25/07 18:17 on the MadWin Forum: addition of a schedule. Answer him on MadWin and exchange with other players

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Subject :  addition of a schedule
11/08/2007 20:28:10

This small addition is necessarily possible since it is present on Hold Up.... Now I don't necessarily see the use of it....

26/07/2007 08:36:42

🤪 Good luck if you say so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck and good luck journée😂

25/07/2007 18:17:34

Mr. webmaster, is it possible to add for games such as sperm whale/wanted or other, the start time of the Rounds? I know it may seem useless but why not because you have necessarily the information.
ex: Round Catch A Prize n°6031 which started on Wednesday 25 July 2007 at 17h15 .
thank you in advance : wave

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