Player bizcool posted a message on 04/05 07:13 on the MadWin Forum: FAST TARTINE removal?. Answer him on MadWin and exchange with other players

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Subject :  FAST TARTINE removal?
11/05/2010 16:50:02

for me it takes a long time to display and it works in slow motion.......... no, it doesn't come from my computer, it only does that for this game, and actually I feel like I'm getting fewer points

06/05/2010 11:46:31

The Fast Tartine bonuses have all come back, but the game now earns far fewer points. MadWin is lowering the games one by one, and they dared to touch my favorite. As soon as I have enough for a Wire, I order and BYE.

04/05/2010 07:13:56


Since yesterday, it has been impossible to Play Fast Tartine: the page is blank when I select it.

Does the site intend to delete this game?

It's a shame because I liked it (with the bonuses^^).

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