Player psyman posted a message on 06/04 05:49 on the MadWin Forum: Dream. Answer him on MadWin and exchange with other players

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Subject :  Dream
06/04/2004 05:49:54

In the evening,
When I'm alone
lying on my bed
Listening to music
I close my eyes
and I see you in my thoughts
I wish it wasn't an illusion

But then,
how can I be near you
To touch your body
Feel your lips on mine
To hear the sweet words that
whisper in my ear
Maybe one day this illusion
will disappear
Then it will be realized

I will be able to hold you in my arms
Feel the tenderness of your lips
on mine
and hear you whisper the sweet words you
said in my ear
I will no longer need to Close my eyes
to see you
because you will always be near me...

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