Player 221160 posted a message on 26/04 16:46 on the MadWin Forum: Mega-Contest (2nd request!!!!!). Answer him on MadWin and exchange with other players

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Subject :  Mega-Contest (2nd request!!!!!)
27/04/2010 09:43:11

WebMaster wrote: ! Hello I didn

answer this question, a player having taken care of it to another player who asked the same question on this same forum.... As long as I do not contradict answers published by others, or simply publish them, they are obviously true!
It is therefore your 15 free rounds that are counted in the Challenge and nothing else. The booster rounds are therefore excluded.

Good games!
The Web'

Well, there you go, I'm happy, I have my answer. Thank you very much Webmaster for your clarifications, I will be able to Next Play with pleasure and enjoy your site which offers me a few moments of relaxation without worrying.
Anyway, Congrats, nice your new presentation about the points scored after each Round. When it's good, you have to say it too!
Can you also inform us if the 2 games that disappear on April 30th will be replaced by others....that earn a maxxxxxxxxxxx of points for example!!!!!!

Thank you and see you soon!
A loyal player

26/04/2010 17:18:52


I didn't answer this question, a player having taken care of it to another player who asked the same question on this same forum.... As long as I do not contradict answers published by others, or simply publish them, they are obviously true!
It is therefore your 15 free rounds that are counted in the Challenge and nothing else. The booster rounds are therefore excluded.

Good games!
The Web'.

26/04/2010 16:46:47

Hello, dear webmaster, no answer about the mega challenge.
It's still 15 Rounds or once again the rules have changed?????????
It's just a small question because anyway, whatever our suggestions, I guess they will go to the trash can.
No hard feelings... but I must admit that it's annoying for the little players that we are these ways of reducing everything at MadWin!

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