Player webmaster posted a message on 29/01 19:50 on the MadWin Forum: READ FIRST: Suggestions to help you. Answer him on MadWin and exchange with other players

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Subject :  READ FIRST: Suggestions to help you
06/02/2023 23:14:40

Gentlemen, Madam,

I hereby wish to unsubscribe.

I kindly ask you from this day to completely cancel my account .
i am nicolefrance

my password: ask me please (I can't put it)
i am nicolefrance
21, quater, rue Pierre Boisson
21 (gold coast)
I am very tired, I have major health problems
also, it is reasonable to abandon my account , so please unsubscribe me from: MadWin , CadoVillage , MadLotto , etc.............I can't do it
thank you for completely unsubscribing me from all sites from this day.
if Points were acquired, give it to worthy players.
I kiss everyone, it allowed me to occupy myself (my nights when I could not sleep).
kisses to all those sincere.
goodbye and thanks

16/09/2022 17:07:43

to Play hexaletter the arrow does not open. for several days already. need advice.
Thanks, have a good day.

It's the same for a lot of games. is there a solution ? Thank you to everyone

26/08/2022 14:34:21

hello, the game have robot is impossible to Play it is always jerky? does anyone have a solution? thank you

10/08/2022 06:28:00


I can no longer Play on Poker Mafia I have the arrow but it does not open.

I need technical service


have a good day

07/08/2022 09:53:22

to Play hexaletter the arrow does not open. for several days now. need advice.
Thanks, have a good day.

03/08/2022 06:39:52


I can no longer Play on Poker Mafia I have the arrow but it does not open.

I need technical service


have a good day

30/11/2020 11:49:58

Hello, impossible to Play on Wonderz and mark error 29 oops an error occurred when assigning your ticket and it hasn't worked for a week. Thank you. VR

01/08/2020 13:41:39

I have a big problem when I play on MadWin at Bonus Mots. It appears right in the middle of the game taskbar. Which is not easy to Play . Could anyone give me a solution.
Thanks in advance.

20/05/2013 20:15:59

I'm new here, my question might be silly but are there any clans here as on other sites to increase our team points? because I can't find any place that talks about clans...
thank you for your

ps answers: sorry if I posted my message in the wrong place

25/01/2013 13:56:46

Thank you all, problem solved on its own!

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