Player Brasil1979 posted a message on 08/10 18:41 on the MadWin Forum: New Prizes ideas. Answer him on MadWin and exchange with other players

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Subject :  New Prizes ideas
21/10/2008 02:15:32

Brasil1979 wrote:
Other Prizes ideas:

More Prizes with MadWin brands.


Playstation 3 games

Thanks for the little prize with the
MadWin logo! I'm waiting to be able to take some because it's not accessible yet!

Thanks also for the ps3 games (sorry not to take them, I already have them)
Ps: fifa fan, hahahaha the game costs less than pes, it proves that pes = the best πŸ˜€ !!πŸ™y):But in any case a big thank you for the gesture 🌹🌹 For the ds lite it still

counts account kinds of each color? 😡

Other small Prizes the value of the ds lite could be nice, or some Prizes find in the event or hide them in Catch A Prize

Example of what I would like πŸ˜‚ : The philips

alarm clock a Philips Livingcolors

Lamp Fitness equipment (bike, step, or bench and others) or
have all the appliances passed?

I would like to point out that I don't know the value of these Prizes in mp, it would be nice to also tell me if I should Play 10 years for or not lol

By the way, I have a stupid question, why are there dvds and dvd boxes in the premium shop, when there is a dvd section? πŸ™„ (I suspect they are more expensive, but let's put them in their sections )πŸ€ͺ !It

would be nice to answer a few small questions MR the web πŸ˜‰ And again thank

you for answering my request for the gifts Prizes are adding 🀑

19/10/2008 00:06:24

Other Prizes ideas:

More Prizes with MadWin brands.


Playstation 3 games

15/10/2008 07:50:25

I also have a prize that would please my parents:

A vacuum cleaner without a bag.

08/10/2008 18:41:54

Hello everyone

Here are some Prizes ideas that I find quite nice to put in the MadWin shop:

-Infrared headset (microphone) for the PC.
projector - Projection screen for the video projector
-The latest mobiles (like the samsung omnia, iphone 3g, etc...) -Tft
screen (for my friend thebranleur) he needs an xD
-Dvd recorder player (with DD)
-GPS tomtom
-O Apple
computer -A wireless optical mouse -Company


Personally I would be interested in the video projector and the latest mobiles!

It would be nice to put some of these Prizes in the shop, because there I have bcp or not bcp of mp, there's not much interesting, because most of the things I already have, except the big plasma, but well it's a little expensive level MP (crazy)

And you other members, what do you think?
Do you have any ideas too? Propose them if below then ;-)

Have a good evening!

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