Player guasco posted a message on 13/03 15:14 on the MadWin Forum: memospace. Answer him on MadWin and exchange with other players

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Subject :  memospace
14/03/2007 23:16:54


I understand your disappointment, but you should know that Memospace was a game that had become very old and was less and less played, even though of course it has its fans like you. Unfortunately, it is always difficult to satisfy everyone, but please be aware that your messages are taken into consideration. On this subject, you are not at the end of your surprises concerning the new MadWin games and I have no doubt that you will find your happiness among all the new games that are coming up!

Good games to all!

The Web'.

14/03/2007 20:42:20

my goddaughter is also very disappointed, it was the game she played most often with

14/03/2007 15:08:58

He's not missing!!!
I just Play it!!!

13/03/2007 15:14:16

terribly disappointed with the removal of memospace.why choose the only game with reflection and cards

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