Player jpchidiac posted a message on 16/09 23:06 on the MadWin Forum: Prizes from the shop. Answer him on MadWin and exchange with other players

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Subject :  Prizes from the shop
27/09/2007 15:05:37

crevettedusud wrote: 1loup2 wrote: jpchidiac

wrote: : crevettedusud
wrote: : πŸ™‹et well
we will have to wait!! magnificent, the gift shop
contains Prizes..... youppi......

Hello πŸ™‹ Between

your first post and the last only two days! So what more could you ask for?

Good luc

k and leave some for all πŸ˜€πŸ˜€ Good evening πŸ™‹ OUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII

especially for me because rare are made gifts at home Prizes good
day things

happen at the right time to who expected.......

27/09/2007 08:26:35

1loup2 wrote: jpchidiac
wrote: jpchidiac wrote: crevettedusud
wrote: : πŸ™‹et well
we will have to wait !! magnificent, the gift shop
contains Prizes.... youppi......

Hello πŸ™‹ Between

your first post and the last only two days! So what more could you ask for?

Good luck and leave som

for all πŸ˜€πŸ˜€ Good evening πŸ™‹ OUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII

especially for me because rare are made gifts at home Prizes good day

26/09/2007 21:22:45

jpchidiac wrote: crevettedusud
wrote: : πŸ™‹et well
we will have to wait!! magnificent, the gift
Prizes... youppi.....

Hello πŸ™‹ Between

your first post and the last only two days! So what more could you ask for?

Good luck and leave some for everyone πŸ˜€πŸ˜€ Good

evening πŸ™‹

18/09/2007 20:06:07

crevettedusud wrote: : πŸ™‹et well
we will have to wait !! magnificent, the

gift shop contains Prizes... youppi.....

18/09/2007 08:08:14

πŸ™‹et well we'll have to wait!!

16/09/2007 23:06:42

(bou) many Prizes are currently unavailable: Wires, gps... when will the cash registers be refloated to give more?????????
By the way, there are no more wii in the prize area while on the QuoVerbis website you can find some πŸ™(

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