Player mtc3004 posted a message on 18/04 08:25 on the MadWin Forum: queue validation. Answer him on MadWin and exchange with other players

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Subject :  queue validation
29/04/2009 21:18:15

It is normal to have to Confirm each queue one by one. When I do it right, it takes me less than 5 minutes (about 10 seconds per queue, so 270 seconds).

What I would like is that you don't have to wait about 10 seconds for each validation

22/04/2009 17:22:02

It takes me about 10 minutes but I find it normal to Confirm them one by one: that's the price to pay and it's so advantageous! This must be earned and, in addition, I think that if it were that easy, there would be a lot more people and therefore more waiting, so I'm really not in favour.

18/04/2009 08:25:23

I did the calculation when we are on all the queues it takes 15 minutes to Confirm all of them.
Why not make a link that will validate all queues with a single click (this is the case on all the other sites where I am).
Don't say it's for the ad, there's only one ad, it's MadLotto's.
Thanks for reading me.

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