Player satanicnac posted a message on 10/07 10:45 on the MadWin Forum: make a donation. Answer him on MadWin and exchange with other players

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Subject :  make a donation
13/07/2008 01:28:15

I don't know if you're the one who wants us to make a donation to you, but if you want to make a donation you can help me by sending me someSilver to credit and many other things. Thank you in advance

10/07/2008 10:45:18

Hello everyone,
I've been clicking on "make a donation" every day for a month, where I'm told that each month a new association is offered... But there's never an operation in progress
MadWin me from doing my BA B)
In short, I have no idea how it works, but I would like to suggest the Nicolas Hulot foundation because "save the world"
That's it, otherwise I wish all madwiners a good day!

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