Player chris60000 posted a message on 10/05 19:17 on the MadWin Forum: Waiting time for ICT TAC showcase. Answer him on MadWin and exchange with other players

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Subject :  Waiting time for ICT TAC showcase
17/05/2008 10:27:38

It all depends on the queue. If there are 200 people in front of you then you will have to wait 200 days knowing that some people forget to Confirm or have a conexion problem which makes you gain places.

Right now when we get in a line you'll be at least 150th.

I hope I answered your question.

16/05/2008 14:56:59

🙋 when you register on one of the tic tac windows you enter a queue, it tells you how much you are in class and it corresponds to the number of days you have to wait however, you must not forget to Confirm each day your request otherwise you leave the queue and you lose your madpoin😥 that's why you can advance from several places in a single jour🙁y): good games a toi😉😗

10/05/2008 19:17:01

Hello ! :wave:

I was wondering how many days on average it takes to wait when you participate in a queue in the TIC TAC showcase.

Thank you for kindly enlightening me: D

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