Player rinah posted a message on 19/04 17:43 on the MadWin Forum: the haunted mansion. Answer him on MadWin and exchange with other players

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Subject :  the haunted mansion
23/04/2008 01:14:18

Congrats rinah πŸ‘!
But will you have the power to influence the thinking of the webmaster of Big Master πŸ˜‚? In any case, you remain legit and in accordance with your proposals and for this reason πŸ‘πŸŒΉπŸΈπŸ™y):πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚

19/04/2008 17:43:21

New rules:
the cash must be chosen the same day and then
if it is a prize click the same.
Validity one day or lost click!!!!
it will have the merit of giving everyone an equal chance.
here is a real reflection for the webmaster.
Sincerely to all.

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