Player bizcool posted a message on 02/05 14:15 on the MadWin Forum: Deletion CLUB 21 and BLACK JACK.. Answer him on MadWin and exchange with other players

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Subject :  Deletion CLUB 21 and BLACK JACK.
04/05/2010 16:21:14

the suppression of these games was planned and had been posted on the MadWin home page for April 30, for several days already, for once MadWin warns; you have zappez

04/05/2010 15:28:54

How do you know they're deleted? Do you know the reason for this?

Yours, picdelamirandole.

02/05/2010 14:15:59


I'm disgusted: the two games I was scoring the highest (between 100 and 120 points per Round on Club 21) are deleted since yesterday!!!! "Nice" especially in the middle of a mega challenge!

The site could at least have removed these games AFTER a mega challenge and BY PREVENTING!

Not cool....

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