Player Candy10 posted a message on 18/12 16:03 on the MadWin Forum: Problem of credits ..!. Answer him on MadWin and exchange with other players - Page 2

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Subject :  Problem of credits ..!
11/09/2010 17:59:58

Rentabiliweb is an online micro-payment provider. On their call server an option allows you to have the editors information at startup. This information usually includes the telephone number or technical support address.
Give them the time of the call, the number from which you called and summarize the problem. Either they will refund you or they will give you a replacement code
Hello, so there are not even 5 minutes, I call the rentabilliweb service to get a code, everything starts well as usual, everything starts well as usual, I get the beginning of the code and then the voice starts "bugging", I get the code back a second time and exactly the same, so I paid, but for nothing! As it happens? Thank you...

11/09/2010 17:51:40


avoid the sms language because I didn't understand anything about your problem!

Hello I mexcuse if I post not or good place because I look for and I believe that I know my question here I just bought a retabiweb code everything works but when the page is updated all by itself I did not but left koi to do please 🤨

11/09/2010 17:28:03

Hello I mexcuse if I post not or good place because I look for and I believe that I know my question here I just bought a retabiweb code everything works but when the page is updated all by itself I did not but left koi to do please 🤨

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