Player 34pierre posted a message on 19/06 10:15 on the MadWin Forum: can't Play anymore!. Answer him on MadWin and exchange with other players

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Subject :  can't Play anymore!
05/09/2007 12:05:55

1loup2 wrote: 34stone
wrote :
Hello everyone, thank you for your answers, the problem is solved, I changed my computer and it works perfectly! Good

hello 34pierre games
πŸ™‹ I

see that we are ready to do anything to play Play madwin MadWin:πŸ™y):

Good luck and keep up the good work 🍸 πŸ™‹ Hello

everyone I have to change PCs ?

to be able to play πŸ˜” ! nobody Play help me, please? πŸ™ Have a nice

day and good luck πŸ™‹

31/08/2007 22:35:51

34stone to write:
Hello everyone, thank you for your answers, the problem is solved, I changed my computer and it works perfectly! Good

hello 34pierre games
πŸ™‹ I

see that we will do anything to play Play madwin MadWin:πŸ™y): Good

luck with you 🍸

31/08/2007 11:35:16

Hello everyone, thank you for your answers, the problem is solved, I changed my computer and it works perfectly! Good games

31/08/2007 10:20:37

πŸ™‹ I have

the same problem that 34Pierre the games do not appear (black frame and stop), I emptied, I downloaded Quick time and nothing πŸ™ except for the Rounds games where it works πŸ€” !?
I hope you will help me solve this problem 😒 Have a good
day everyone!


19/06/2006 20:11:34

Hello34Pierre!Me, everyone is doing well, from time to time it can happen to some games, that there are little problems, but here's the best thing you could do is to contact customer service and explain your problem as best you can in order to try to solve this problem. Good continuation to you!

19/06/2006 20:02:00

Hello 34Pierre!

First, I strongly advise you to completely clear your browser's cache.
Temporary files, cookies..... a big cleaning up!

Then close all your windows (better: restart your computer!) and try to connect to MadWin again.
In 98% of cases, it solves all the problems!

Good luck and keep us informed!

The Web'!

19/06/2006 10:15:08

(mdr)Hello everyone, since 3 days when I open a game the window that appears remains white. Is there a solution to this problem? Thank you in advance for your answers and good games for those who can!

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