Player webmaster posted a message on 22/12 15:49 on the MadWin Forum: Challenges and Mega-Challenges. Answer him on MadWin and exchange with other players - Page 3
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Hello web, this answer is quite incredible, not taking account the ranking because it is wrong! It's as if when you go shopping, you're told not to take into account the prices on the shelf, they're wrong, what account is the checkout! Personally, I don't ask myself any questions, anyway the display is only updated every hour
think my answer was not clear ;-) There is a display problem on the ranking, so what you see does not correspond to reality. When the display is corrected, you will be able to see the right members with the right number of Medals. Until then, please do not take into account the ranking you see, because it is wrong!
Thank you Web for your quick answer But that doesn't answer my first question: how on the 1st day of the Mega-Contest at 11:50 am the 1st player can get DEJA 10650 medals when the 1st of each challenge can only get 4000 medals per game and there are only 15 free rounds Knowing that the maximum number of points per Round is 150 you can't be 1st in 3 free games
Hello Web I don't understand how on the 1st day of the Mega-Contest at 11:50am the 1st player can get DEJA 10650 medals while the 1st of each challenge can only get 4000 medals per game and there are only 15 free rounds. Knowing that the maximum number of points per Round is 150 you can't be 1st in 3 free games Moreover I can't find the name from 1st to Mega-Contest in NO free games To have 10650 medals in the Mega-Contest I will have to see his name in at least 3 free games in first or second place Thanks for the explanation
I don't understand all of them for the mega challenge I finally get people with I don't know how many medals when in theory we can theoretically win a maximum of 4000 a day?????????
Okay, but my point was about yesterday's ranking. I sent a message to customer service and the ranking was updated last night, so I recovered my points following the ranking that ended on 11/01 at 23H59.( My message dated from 11/01 at 17H48). Thanks to the customer service for their reactivity.